Republican contest "Descendants of Mirzo Ulugbek"
There is planned to hold the Republican contest "Descendants of Mirzo Ulugbek" in all regions of the republic with the purpose of wide involvement...
There is planned to hold the Republican contest "Descendants of Mirzo Ulugbek" in all regions of the republic with the purpose of wide involvement...
Along with the education of the younger generation, it is necessary to pay special attention to the issues of educating them in the spirit of...
Large-scale construction work is being done in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 4, 2021 No...
On April 10, 2022, professors and doctoral students of the Department of Theory and Structural Mechanics of the "TIQXMMI" National Research...
The total number of students in the state secondary school No. 1 specializing in mathematics and physics of the Pop district of Namangan region is...
A lot of work is being done at our university to ensure the implementation of 5 important initiatives put forward by the President of the Republic...
Muhayyo Shoumarova, Professor of the "TIIAME" National Research University, Nargiza Khalikova, Doctor of Philosophy, and Rukhshona Yigitaliyeva,...
On April 11, in the 8th lecture hall, an Experienced teacher of our university, R. Jumaniyazov held the next offline lesson on speech culture on...