

Orientation event at school

The total number of students in the state secondary school No. 1 specializing in mathematics and physics of the Pop district of Namangan region is 1,096, including 567 girls and 31 11th grade graduates.

The total number of students in the 1-IDUM of Turakurgan district is 1520 students, including 73 11th graders and 105 9th graders. The school has 105 teachers and coaches.

From which, 11 are senior, 28 are 1st category, 21 are 2nd category specialists.

On April 11 of this year orientation events were held on the existing fields of study and specialties of the university, as well as the conditions created for students with the purpose of identifying talented students, as well as to provide practical assistance to graduates in choosing a career (career guidance) in accordance with their abilities and interests.

TIIAME National Research University Press Service