Before the new academic year
It is advisable to start the academic year based on a new plan and objectives. Every member of the team should follow the directions of our...
It is advisable to start the academic year based on a new plan and objectives. Every member of the team should follow the directions of our...
On August 29, a group of representatives from the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture and Development named after N....
A meeting took place with the participation of the rector of the "TIIAME" National Research University Mirzaev Bakhodir Suyunovich and the...
The amount of annual tuition fee for a student studying in the contract-based form for the bachelor's degree courses (master's degree) of the...
The duty we owe to history is to perpetuate the name of our national icon Jaloliddin Manguberdy, who considered his homeland as his soul,...
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the thirty-first anniversary of the independence of the Republic of...
It is important to suggest that there was given a start to Sports competitions on table tennis and chess, dedicated to the bright memory of...
It is important to inform that Shamsiddinov Khushnudbek, a student of “Hydroreclamation” Faculty of "TIIAME" National Research University...