Strengthening international cooperation in higher education
On August 29, a group of representatives from the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture and Development named after N. Borlaug, Texas A&M (Agricultural and Mechanical) University System of the United States of America visited "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University.
The official meeting was held in the conference hall of "Turon Bank" of "OMWR" Faculty. The rector of our university, prof. Mirzayev Bahadir Suyunovich opened the event and introduced our partners. The director of the Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture and Development, Eric Michael Bost, regional director for Central Asia of Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, and Davis Timothy Douglas, director of the Innovation and Irrigation Laboratory of the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture and Development, Lefore Nicole Renee and a number of representatives of the institution, the vice-rector for "International cooperation" from our university, prof. Abdukhakim Salokhiddinov, head of the "International relations" department, Dr. Sherzod Rahmonov and Dr. Zufar Umurzakov, and the "English Language" department acting associate professor Gozal Eshchanova participated in the meeting.
The guests gave detailed information about the activities of the International Institute of Agriculture named after Borglau, international projects, and the geography of scientific research. Then, the vice-rector for "International cooperation" A. Salohiddinov spoke briefly about the scientific and international projects carried out at our university. The meeting was held in the form of a free and warm discussion, at the end of the discussion, both sides exchanged souvenirs.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service