Seminar-training on patriotism and legal culture of youth
Patriotic spirit and legal culture are harmonious concepts. Especially important is the attention, knowledge and broad outlook of young people on...
Patriotic spirit and legal culture are harmonious concepts. Especially important is the attention, knowledge and broad outlook of young people on...
Secondary school N. 10 of the Piskent district of Tashkent region, attached to the department of “Electrotechnology and operation of...
For the development of the higher education system, the President signed a decree "On approval of the Concept for...
On May 19,2022, 2nd year students of the Department of Energy and Energy of the Faculty of Energy Supply of Agriculture and Water Resources...
On May 20,2022 our university hosted "Career Day" at a high level - a job fair for graduates. The event was attended by more than 85...
At our university, great attention is paid to science, so the members of the Autonomous Team , consisting of talented students of "Energy...
This park was opened on May 9, 2020 at the initiative of the President of our country due to the 75th anniversary of the Great...
When we say "teacher", a deep sense of respect and gratitude arise in the heart of any person, as well as a sense of duty that cannot be...