Our students visited "Literature" Museum
Associate Professor of Faculty "Energy Supply of Agriculture and Water Resources" Kholiknazarov Uralboy visited the State Literary Museum named...
Associate Professor of Faculty "Energy Supply of Agriculture and Water Resources" Kholiknazarov Uralboy visited the State Literary Museum named...
It is knownn from the history that on October 1996, 18, in connection with the 660th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur, the State Museum of...
Tourism attracts the masses with its ease and fun, which means that people can practice one or another sport depending on age, gender and...
The opening ceremony of the New Uzbekistan complex and the Independence Monument, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence, was opened...
On May 18, 2022, the students led by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty "Land resources Management"on its territory, the wartime station, the State...
Literature is an important tool for connecting the past, present and future of every nation. It reflects the culture, traditions, worldview...
On May 20, 2022, the University hosted a "Career Day" - a job fair for graduates. The newly created Master's program within the framework of the...
As part of the round table, Ainash Abilkasymova, a 2nd year student of Department of “Reclamation Hydrogeology” Department of the Faculty...