The visit to " The Timurid History" Museum
It is knownn from the history that on October 1996, 18, in connection with the 660th anniversary of the birth of Amir Temur, the State Museum of the History of Temurids was established on the territory adjacent to the Alley of Amir Temur. The museum today has more than three and a half thousand exhibits. In order to organize meaningful leisure for students, the tutor of the faculty. Words of respect for Amir Temur and phrases from Temur's Charter adorned the exhibits. The students were greatly impressed by the three-part work "The Great Sahibkiran - the Great Builder" from the painting in the center of the museum hall. In particular, at the sight of photographs of Sahibkiran sitting on the throne in the circle of ministers, scientists, military figures, the students exchanged views on the role of discipline in public administration.Below are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Sahibkiran (Muhammad Sultan, Ulugbek, Hussein Boykaro, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur), who read the rules inherited from their ancestors and noted that without science it is impossible to achieve perfection by seeing the architectural monuments created by Amir Temur. It was decided to visit historical museums more.
Press Service of University