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Creating new opportunities for girls at university

   It is worth mentioning that under the leadership of the Honorary President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a special attention is paid to increasing the socio-political activity of women, protecting their health, supporting their aspirations and initiatives, and creating decent working and living conditions for them. “Women for 2022-2026” was approved by Presidential Decree No. PD-87 dated March 7, 2022 “On measures to further accelerate work on systemic support for families and women”, decrees on increasing activity in all spheres of the economic, political and social life of the country.”

Based on the tasks of the national program, the question of having a profession was raised primarily in order to preserve the family as a sacred fortress and family, and for a woman to find her place in the family. It is not a secret that at higher educational  institutions, it is  atradition to organize the free time of students effecrively. With the support of the rector, more than 70 of university female students studied at  SANAM training center SCHOOL",which provided an opportunity  to learn the secrets of profession such as "Sewing", "Pastry"and "Nursing".

Press Service of National Research University “TIIAME”