Visiting students who rent a house
On November 24, 2021, the curators of the groups 104 and 105 of the Faculty of "Organization and Management of Water Resources" Associate Professor of "Accounting and Auditing" A. Tabaev, senior teacher M. Rakhmataliev visited the students' apartments in order to get acquainted with the living conditions of the students renting a flat and living with close relatives.
M.Rakhmataliev got acquainted with the living conditions and had a conversation with students from the attached 104 group, visited students: M.Nazirjanov and F.Anvarjanov who rent apartments, and S.Sayfutdinov and J.Kalandarov who live in the house of a close relative, A.Tabaev visited the renting apartments of M.Kakhkharov and O.Valijonov, students of the 105 group, and A.Tuzelova, H.Aliboeva and Sh.Pirnazarov, who live with a close relative.
During the interview, they explained the sanitary and hygienic requirements, living conditions, rules of using gas, computer equipment, rules of using the Internet.
Press service of TIIAME