

Online meeting within Double Degree Program in cooperation with Óbuda University, Hungary

On November 15, 2023 there was organized an online meeting within Double Degree Program with Óbuda University, Hungary signed in cooperation with “TIIAME” National Research University. The online meeting was held in Turonbank Conference Hall of “Economics” Faculty of university. It was attended by Dean of the Faculty Rashid Khakimov, Associate Professor of “English language” Department Guzal Eshchanova and deputy deans of the faculty. It should be reminded that that the rector of “TIIAME” National Research University Mirzaev Bakhadir Suyunovich and Prof. Levente Kovac, the rector of Obuda University, Hungary signed Double Degree Program on “Economics” Faculty and discussed in detail the issues, that should be implemented by the two parties.At the organized zoom meeting, there were exchanged views on compulsory and elective courses taught at “Economics Faculty of both universities, looking through the curricula, as well as discussing the teaching and learning activities by Credit Module System of Higher Education within Double Degree Program. The possibilities of participation of professors and teachers of our university in short-term advanced training courses at Óbuda University, Hungary and the publication of international articles in cooperation with them were also discussed during the event.


Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University