

Cooperation of Chirchikselmash LLC and the Karshi branch of TIIAME

Together with Karshi branch of TIIAME and Chirchikselmash LLC, the students of the branch were supplied with new agricultural equipment to consolidate the knowledge gained in theoretical classes, for use in organizing practical and laboratory classes. PL-4.5 laser leveling machine, deep-action plasticizer, perforator Kverland 3 + 1 150B, perforator UNIA3 + 1, perforator MD3 + 1, 5-body perforator Kverland BE100, ALPEGO, manufactured according to Italian technology at Chirchikselmash LLC. Rovshanov, D. Baratov, professors and teachers of the industry spoke about the principles of operation of the design of 8 modern agricultural units, such as a cutting unit, a disc harrow, the advantages of operating instructions and their importance in agriculture. Eshmanov, D. Chorieva organized open practical classes for students and masters of agricultural mechanization. During practical classes, students received answers to their questions, strengthened their theoretical knowledge and acquired skills and abilities to apply methods in practice. The teachers of the Department of General Technical Sciences Kh.Rovshanov and D. Baratov will continue to work in cooperation with Karshi branch of TIIAME and Chirchikselmash LLC and will train future specialists with highly qualified personnel in their field. A training laboratory is planned, and the introduction of such classes and agricultural techniques are the first steps. Press service of the branch Farrukh Najimov Information Press Service of TIIAME