International Summer School has successfully completed its activities
It is important to suggest that on August 25, 2023, the 2nd International Summer School for Doctoral Students "Assessing the sustainability of water-energy-food-environmental security for irrigated agriculture: interdisciplinary approaches for Central Asia" completed its activities. In summer school, 32 young scientists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Germany, Ecuador, the USA and Uzbekistan (The branch of "TIIAME" NRU, Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management) acquired theoretical and practical skills on the following topics:
Increasing yields in the face of climate change and water scarcity;
- Production of renewable energy sources in conditions of weak soil and lack of water;
- Rational management of water resources;
- Improving the quality of natural resources and biodiversity in managed areas;
- The relationship of water, energy, food and the environment.
On August 23, 2023 the participants of the 2nd International Summer School made a visit to the water and energy facilities in Tashkent region and got acquainted with their activities. The authority of the university expressed gratitude to the Center for Research of Agricultural Landscapes. Leibniz (ZALF, Germany), the International Water Management Institute (IWMI, Uzbekistan), the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Zones (ICARDA) and the World Youth Association of Uzbekistan, who sponsored and collaborated in organizing summer school, as well as Professor Katharina Helming (Germany ), Dr. Mohsin Hafiz (Pakistan), Prof. A. Salokhiddinov (Uzbekistan), Dr. A. Khamidov (Uzbekistan-Germany), Dr. Shilp Verma (India), Dr. B. Kholmatov (Uzbekistan), Dr. Marlene Elias (Canada), prof. D. Egamberdiyeva (Uzbekistan-Germany), Mr. O. Anarbekov (Uzbekistan), Dr. Z. Gafurov (Uzbekistan) and Prof. Yu. Pulatov (Tajikistan), Dr. U. Kuziev, Zh. Ishchanov, N. Gadaev, K. Khamraev, S. Melikuziev and I. Urazbaev also took an active part in the organizational work. On August 25,2023 all active participants of the 2nd International Summer School were awarded with certificates.
Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University