

Improving the irrigation ways

    Basin irrigation method is used in more than 80% of the country's irrigated areas. But the efficiency of this method does not exceed 0.7-0.75. Therefore, it must be considered that these methods are being improved. Basin irrigation can be enhanced with the following techniques to use water efficiently and increase productivity: Basin irrigation; Irrigation with a short collar; Irrigation with alternating current; Gradual irrigation. For understanding the way of irrigation used for we should take into consideration that the first row of crops is watered, and the second row is left without water. In this case, the amount of supplied water is reduced to 20%. If the length of the gate is shortened by 50-60 meters, depending on the soil conditions, the water absorption by waste will decrease and the soil will be evenly moistened. What are the benefits of gradual irrigation? On the cultivated area with a large slope, the water drains from the end of the gate. In this case, wastewater consumption is reduced by 20-30%.

Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University