Qualifying round for Rector's Cup
On April 15, 2023, qualifying round was held in the following sports: football, volleyball, basketball, chess and table tennis among students of "Agricultural Mechanization" Faculty. The competition was opened by the Vice-Rector on spiritual and educatioal issues Prof. R. Choriev and Dean of the faculty K. Shavazov. The winning teams were determined as follows:
For table tennis:
The first place was received by the student of 205-group Urakov Laziz
The second place was received by the student of 211-group Bahronov Jasur
The third place was received by the students of 109-group Saidazimova Ziyoda and 211- group Nasriddinov Mehriddin.
On football match:
The 1st place - students of 301group
The 2nd place - students of 109 group
The 3rd place - students of 202 groups
Due to the results on Volleyball:
The 1st place - students of 208 group
The 2nd place - students of 307 group
The 3rd place - students of 218 group
Due to the results on Basketball
The 1st place - students of 218 group
The 2nd place - students of 308 group
The 3rd place - students of 107 group
Press Service of National Research University "TIIAME"