Constitution is the basis of the state
It is not a secret to anyone that these days a number of important reforms are being carried out in terms of enhancing the dignity and well-being of human beings. Regarding this, in all parts of Uzbekistan there have been organizing continuous pre-referendum events on the draft law on the Constitution, which is expected to be held on April 30, 2023.
On April 14,2023 at the initiative of professors and teachers of the “Electrical Technology and Operation of Electrical Equipment” Department, “Energetics” Faculty, there was organized a spiritual and educational event on the topic “The Constitution is the basis of the state”. Among the esteemed guests of the event there were Prof.Guzal Uzakova and Prof. Shukhrat Faiziev from “Environmental Law” Department, Tashkent State University of Law. It was a good opportunity for participants to get broad information about the constitutional reforms in Uzbekistan, their role in the democratization of relations between citizens, society and the state. The invited experts emphasized that the obligations of the state is to protect the social sphere, guarantee the rights and freedoms of citizens. At the end of the event, the university administration presented the speakers with a letter of thanks for interesting and informative lectures.
Press Service of National research University ‘‘TIIAME”