

Conceptual framework for learning outcomes

At the extended meeting of the Department of Vocational Education, the dissertation work of the scientific researcher of the Institute of Pedagogical Innovations, Management of Vocational Education, Retraining and Advanced Training of Teaching Staff Kholmukhammedov Murodillo Makhmudovich was heard for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc) in the specialty 13.00.05 - Theory and Methods of Vocational Education on the topic "Scientific and methodological foundations for the modernization of the content of vocational education based on the concept of educational results."

The scientific consultant of the dissertation work is Ph.D., Academician Juraev Risboy Khaidarovich. The faculty of the department, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Sultanov T.Z., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Isakov A.Zh., Ph.D. , Associate Professor Kuziev U., Ph.D., Associate Professor Mukimov B.R., Assoc. Rakhmonova M., associate professor Baibayeva M.Kh., Ph.D. Yuldasheva N.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Ulzhaeva Sh.M., Ph.D., acting associate professor Beknazarova Z. and university tutors attended at the discussion.

The official opponents were: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.B. Choriyev R.K., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Ulzhaeva Sh.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Yuldasheva N.A. A unanimous decision was made that Kholmukhammedov Murodillo Makhmudovich deserves to receive the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc) in the specialty 13.00.05 - Theory and Methods of Vocational Education

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service.