

We remember and commemorate

           On January 30, the tutors D.Khursandova and Kh.Saidova with a group of young students of the Faculty of Technical Education "TIIAME" NRU visited the I.A. Karimov Memorial Square to commemorate the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Abdugyanevich Karimov. Islam Karimov was the founder of the independent state of Uzbekistan, a great statesman and politician, and a great and honorable son of the Uzbek people. Despite severe difficulties and trials, in a historically short period of time, our country was transformed into a rapidly developing modern democratic state. Our President left an indelible mark in the history of our country with his brilliant political activity and noble human qualities. Students and young people who visited the I.A. Karimov memorial square remembered our honorable president for his sacrifices for our country.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service