What we have learned while Listening to the Address
At the end of the current year, the head of our Republic Shavkat Mirziyoyev published Address to the Oliy Majlis. It provided information on the plans for the next year. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed declaring 2023 the "Year of Human Care and Quality Education". Rakhimboy Jumaniyazov, a mentor in the course of oratory, taught us online despite his illness. He gave a brief presentation on the Message of the President. The President noted the need to increase attention to the mother tongue. “More strong attention will be given to our native language which is a symbol of our national identity, the basis of our spirituality,” he said. “Of course, one should know a foreign language as well this is now a requirement of the time. But knowledge of the native language should become mandatory. Mandatory!” the President stressed.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service.