

Life is beautiful, life is sweet

           On December 17, M.K.Muhammedova, psychologist of "TIIAME" NRU, Z.Beknazarova, Head of Women's Affairs of HM Faculty, and Z.K.Mukhrumboyeva, teacher-educator of the SD No. 4 organized an event on the theme "every moment of life is beautiful" in order to prevent suicide. It is no secret that suicide among the population is increasing nowadays. An intense conversation was held with the students about the reasons and factors that cause suicide today. During the conversation, it was thought that it is very difficult to find a solution to this current socio-psychological problem only by suicidologists and that we can achieve a reduction of these evils in society only if we all work together.

              During the event, training sessions such as "Life is...", "Life is ... given to a person", "For me this is the list of the most valuable people in the world" and Z. Koroleva's test designed to determine the tendency to suicide in the human psyche was conducted and the answers were interpreted. In addition, a separate consultation was conducted with students with suicidal tendencies. And it was agreed to hold regular consultations with these students. The event ended with the slogan: "Life is beautiful, life is a rush." It is the duty of everyone to appreciate the beautiful life!"

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service