General rules and requirements for publishing articles in “Journal of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering”
The scientific and technical journal “Journal of Hydraulic and environmental engineering” was registered by the agency of the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 6, 2022 (certificate No. 041857). The Founder of the journal is “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University. International Standard Series Number is ISSN 2181-3949. Results of scientific researches in the field of 05.09.07-Hydraulics and engineering hydrology, 11.00.03-Land hydrology, Water resources management, Hydrochemistry, 03.00.10 - Ecology, 11.00.05 - Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources, 05.00.00-Technical Sciences, 06.00.00 - Agricultural sciences, 03.00.00 - Biological Sciences, 11.00.00 - Geographical Sciences, and 08.00.00- Economic Sciences, are published in “Journal of Hydraulic and environmental engineering” scientific and technical journal. Publishing frequency of “Journal of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering” scientific and technical journal is twice per a year.
1. STANDARDS OF ETHICS AND COPYRIGHT. Materials submitted to the editors must not have been previously published in other publications or under consideration in other publications. Therefore, the author must guarantee the material submitted to the editors for publication in this form on behalf of all co-authors and the organization where the work was performed. The article accepted for publication is guaranteed not to be translated into other languages without the written consent of the journal editors. Also, the author must confirm that he has familiarized himself with the ethics standards of the journal, agrees and assumes all the listed responsibilities.
2. “ JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING “ SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL JOURNAL FOCUSED ON FOLLOWING RESEARCH FIELDS: physics, mechanics, ecology, hydraulics, hydrology, engineering hydrology, hydrogeology of cities and irrigated lands, hydraulics of hydrotechnical structures, hydraulic and hydrological processes in reservoirs, erosion in the riverbed and accumulative processes, reservoirs, hydrology of lakes, use of hydromelioration systems, environmental economics, resource-saving technologies, effects of climate change on water resources, ecology and environmental protection, waste treatment and disposal technologies from industrial enterprises, atmospheric air protection and to give suggestions and recommendations on the prevention of negative man-made processes occurring in various soil, water and atmosphere, to develop ecologically pure and clean products for future generations, to widely promote research aimed at their preservation, industry news, scientific and practical popularization of works, innovative ideas and achievements in production, scientific and practical researches in the fields of hydraulics and environment technologies and their latest results, scientific and technical news, original scientific articles are covered on its pages. The editors of the “ Journal of Hydraulic and environmental engineering “ scientific and technical journal do not accept general review and informational scientific articles for publication. The manuscript submitted to the editorial office should contain a reference letter from the management of the organization where the author is conducting scientific research, an expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the article, and a review.
3. LANGUAGE, STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF ARTICLE. Articles are accepted in English. The article should be written in a language understandable to the general public, following the rules of grammar. The article must express complete solutions or its stages of a certain scientific research. The title should be able to provide information about the content of the article, be as short as possible and not contain general words. Usually, a scientific article should have the title of the article (in three languages), annotation (in three languages), key words (in three languages), introduction, analysis of the current state of the problem under consideration and references to sources, setting of the problem, solution method (methods), analysis of results and examples , discussion, conclusion, list of references, information about the author(s). Generally accepted terms should be used in the article, but when introducing a new term, it is necessary to clearly justify it. The units of measurement of physical quantities must correspond to the International System of Measurements (SI). Articles, which are not previously published in other journal, are accepted in this journal. In article, it is recommended that the author does not excessively cite their scientific work done before, and it should be up to 10%. The editors have a negative view of copying (plagiarism), appropriating other people’s work. The editors have negative view towards plagiarims, copy and pasting others` scientific work without citation. Therefore, authors are requested to treat the work seriously and obey the rules of referencing: do not forget to put the bibliographic reference in square brackets.
4. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ARTICLE. Title of the article (in three languages), author(s) and his/her position (in three languages), degree and place of work (in three languages), email address, ORCID number, annotation (in three languages), keywords (in three languages) are written in one column. The rest of the text of the article is written in two columns. The article must be written in the MS Word text editor and must be written strictly according to the following parameters: in A4 format, 2 cm space on the edges of the text page is left, in Times New Roman font, the font size for the article is 12 pt, except for the tables, the font size for the tables is 10 pt, the line spacing is 1.15 spaces, the text is aligned to the width of the page, the letterhead is 1 cm (“ without using the Tab” or “Probe” keys).
The following are not allowed: - page numbering, use of automatic page breaks in the text, use of automatic links in the text, automatic hyphenation, use of rarely used or abbreviation letters.
Tables are written in MS Word. The order number and name of tables are written above the tables.
Graphic materials (color pictures, drawings, diagrams, photographs) should represent the summarized materials of the research. Graphical materials must be of high quality, if necessary, the editors may request to submit these materials in a separate file in jpg format with a size of not less than 300 dpi. The name and order number of the graphic material must be given at the bottom.
Formulas and mathematical symbols should be done in MS Word’s built-in format editor or using the MathType editor. Tables, graphic materials should not go beyond the specified area.
Keywords (Uzbek, Russian, English languages) should consist - 5-8 words. Keywords and phrases are separated by comma. The given keywords should clearly describe the topic of research.
Annotation (Abstract) (in Uzbek, Russian, English) - the annotation should be 150-250 words long and should be given in the form of information, briefly expressing the structure of the article.
Introduction. In the introduction, the general information, the results of the literature analysis, the relevance of the research, the scientific problem, and the purpose and tasks of the research are described. An analysis of scientific articles published by world scientists is provided. It is shown which scientists the author’s scientific work is based on, confirming the lack of a solution to the scientific research set in the published literature sources.
Method (or methods). Information about the object of research and the sources and materials useful in this scientific work is provided. The selected methods are clearly described and explained. The given or used methods should be understandable for other researcher. The used data and how it is obtained should be explained.
Results and discussion. It is recommended to present the results mainly in the form of tables, graphs and other pictures. This section includes the analysis of the obtained results, their interpretation, comparison with the results of other authors, and statistical analysis. In this section, scientific-research results are summarized. The results include numerical conclusions summarizing the main scientific results of the article, which are defined by the authors as the relationship between the parameters of the object of research. The results should be logically interlinked with research objective, questions and tasks.
Summary. Brief results of scientific work are given, and among them should be research method, new solution, results of practical application and other indicators.
References (literature). A reference list should contain no less than 20 scientific works, in which the APA (American Psychological Association version 7) should be used, and there is exception for hard-to-find and regulatory documents, as well as references from Internet sources (periodical documents are not taken into account). It is not possible to include textbooks, training manuals in the list of references. Most references should be accessible and comprehensible to English-speaking international readers (an article-specific DOI number should be provided). Strict requirements are imposed on the relevance of sources. All sources should be given in the form of numbered references inside the article. References in the text are given in square brackets (for example, M. Juliev [7], [9, 10]). All reference must be cited in the text, otherwise, the article will be rejected.
Information about the author (s): surname, first name, patronymic, position, degree and place of work. This information should be provided in the Uzbek/Russian language in which the article is presented, besides, it should be given in English at the end of article after reference list. Articles that do not meet the above requirements will not be reviewed and materials recommended for publication will not be returned to the authors.
The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the articles.
Editorial address: 100000, Tashkent city, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Kary-Niyazi 39. National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers”.
Contacts details:
Tel: +99871-237-19-71
Founder: National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers”
Editorial address: 100000, Tashkent city, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Kary-Niyazi 39.
“Journal of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering” is specialized in scientific-practical, hydraulics, environmental engineering, hydrology and water resources management. The journal was registered in the Press and Information Agency of Uzbekistan on October 6, 2022 with number #041857.