A woman is the core of society, a reflection of existence
On November 25, M.K.Muhammedova, psychologist of "TIIAME" NRU, and D.Shukrullayeva, pedagogue of SD No. 2, jointly organized an event on the topic "Girls' education and her honor". The purpose of the event was to identify the obstacles and factors that prevent women from obtaining higher education, employment, or starting their own independent activities and to provide recommendations aimed at eliminating them. The participants of the event were told about the wide opportunities created for women today, and in particular, it was emphasized that a number of activities are being carried out in our country to increase the social and political activity of women in society, to protect motherhood and childhood.
All students actively participated during the training. In particular, Saidkulova Yulduz, a student of group 106 of the Faculty of Science and Technology, attracted the attention of the participants by demonstrating her creative qualities. At the end of the event, all participants talked about how they got useful and necessary information from the training and suggested that the next training should be conducted through tests and questionnaires adapted to determine the character of a person.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service