Banking system of Uzbekistan
On November 26, 2022, for professors and teachers of the Faculty of "Organization and Management of Water Management", basic doctoral students, master's and bachelor's students, and interested parties was held the next seminar "Formation of the banking system: the banking system of Uzbekistan" by a specialist of "Turonbank" Joint-stock commercial bank.
Azimov Jobir Bakhodirovich, director of the Finance Department of "Turonbank" JSCB delivered a presentation on this topic. Interesting information was given about the reasons for the emergence of banks in the world, the main tasks of banks, and their role and importance in the development of the economy. The main part of the presentation was about the banking system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its development stages, current situation, and future development strategies.
Dilbar Abduganiyeva, director of the Department of Financial Literacy of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Shakhlo Ibragimova, director of the Human Resources Department of "Turonbank" JSCB, also participated in the seminar. The participants of the seminar asked many questions to the speaker and received appropriate answers. The seminar was useful for all participants in terms of clarifying, and deepening their knowledge of the banking sector.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service