

Family is the basis of our spirituality

                On November 24, M.K. Muhammedova, psychologist of "TIIAME" NRU, Z. Beknozarova, Head of Women's Affairs of HM Faculty, and Z.K. Mukhrumboyeva, educator and pedagogue of the SD No.4, together with the students of the SD No.4 organized an event "Family is the main link of society". The purpose of the event was to prepare young people for family life, to teach them the legal and psychological basis of resolving conflict situations in the family, to strengthen a family relationship, and to provide information on preventing early marriages and family divorces.

              "Close your eyes, let your soul become your eye", "Together we are power", "One person for all", "Establishing communicative relations in a group", "I believe my friends", and "Magic ball" games were organized at the event. All the participants took part in the event with enthusiasm.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service