New Grant for Air Quality Research
The "TIIAME" National Research University collaborates with Washington University in St. Louis, USA, within the framework of the UniCEN program. As part of this joint project in investigating the quality of atmospheric air, the head of the Department of Tractors and Automobiles, Associate Professor Mansur Amonov, traveled to the United States. Today, preparations are underway for a weekly online course for students. Washington University in St. Louis is a private university located in Missouri, founded in 1853. The University of Washington is ranked 118th in the QS rankings, and the total number of students at this university is about 15,000 people, of which 50% are bachelors and 50% are undergraduates and doctoral students. 25% of students are foreigners, and the ratio of students and teachers is 7:1. It conducts research work in engineering ecology in several areas.
The University of Washington has a special fund for supporting international relations. A new project was submitted to the next competition of this fund in the summer months in order to further expand cooperation with our university. As a result of the competition announced this week, the cooperation project with Uzbekistan was among the winners (see the following link: https://mcdonnell.wustl.edu/mcdonnell-academy-seed-grants-provide-momentum-for-international-collaboration). The new project will be implemented within 1 year, it provides exchanging undergraduates and doctoral students, conducting scientific research in cooperation, and the publication of articles.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service