

Visit to LLC Standard Electrotechnics

    In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the Concept for the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030”, dated October 8, 2019, No. PD-5847 Chapter 3 “Strategic goals and priority areas for the development of the higher education system” § 5 “Active involvement of customers in the process of training highly qualified specialists”, as well as paragraph 12 of the protocol No. 6 of the meeting of our university, dated September 30, 2019, namely “the introduction of training according to the 5 + 1 system” (five days at the university and one day at work) on November 2, 2022 students of 301-group, "Energy supply in agriculture and water resources" faculty, under the guidance of acting assistant professor of "Use of electrical technologies and electrical appliances" Department,  N.A. Nuraliyeva and assistant Z.Z. Dzhumaboeva visited LLC Standard Electrotechnics. The teachers of the department, together with specialists of specialized disciplines, conducted classes. 



                                                          Press Service of “TIIAME”

                                                               National Research University