

Formation of communicative competence

      Communicative competence is one of the basic components of the culture of a modern person, the structural elements of which are: a value attitude to language, the need to recognize and understand the social and psychological side of communicative events, the willingness to organize one's speech behavior in these events in accordance with the norms and patterns of social life. Masters are considered to be specialists who have the competencies of professional and pedagogical creativity, who are able to independently carry out planned tasks, apply unusual methods in pedagogical and technological activities, solve non-standard problem situations, and perform creative tasks. The teaching staff of the department of "vocational education and physical culture" conduct events and training seminars. On October 24, 2022, was held a seminar training under the guidance of Yakubova Bibi-Maryamkhon Abdukhalimovna, Prosecutor of the Department of Psychological Support of the Academy of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The topic of the event was “Formation of communicative competence”.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service