

Improving the educational process

     The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to develop the fields of education and upbringing, and science in the new period of development of Uzbekistan" dated November 6, 2022 , raised large-scale reforms in the field of education to a new level. This document is of particular importance for the development of cooperation between schools and higher educational institutions, further strengthening the integration between them. Today, the education that is given to students in general education schools, respect and attention to teachers is increasing more and more. An important task of the education sector has become to strengthen the place of mentors in society, identify talented students, and orient them to an interesting and desired profession. Our university contributes to the further improvement and improvement of the quality of the educational process in these schools, to the full disclosure of the talent of students. In this regard, on October 20, 2022, a group of faculty members of the Department of Land Management visited schools No. 35 and 37 of  Piskent district, Tashkent region, discussing issues planned for 2022-2023.



                                                                                             Press Service of “TIIAME”

                                                                                            National Research University