

The Museum of Abdullah Kakhkhar


On October 19, 2022, the 1st year students of  Faculty “Hydroreclamation” under the guidance of tutor G.Z. Akhmedzhanova visited the House-Museum of Abdulla Kakhkhar, a literary memorial complex founded in 1987. The museum fund has 5035 exhibits. The house-museum consists of 4 halls, each of which reflects the life and creative path of the writer. The exposition consists of two memorial rooms and three exposition ones: the first hall is dedicated to the life of A.Kakhkhar; the second - to his creativity; the third hall of gifts - everything that was given to the writer as a sign of respect and honor is collected here. The visit is aimed at ensuring students in having a productive and meaningful time. The students returned from the visit in a very high spirits.



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