

Master students at the International Conference

  In our republic, the implementation priority areas in the field of expanding the use of renewable energy sources, reducing the energy intensity of production, domestic scientific and technical developments, and targeted implementation of proven international advanced energy-saving technologies are considered as actual factors. Economic growth and natural positive demographic trends, in turn, require greater use of energy resources.

   It should be mentioned that on September 23-24, 2022, National Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan held the International, Scientific and Technical Conference on the topic “New horizons of low-carbon development in the world and in Uzbekistan”. The representatives of competent and relevant ministries, departments, international financial institutions and other organizations took  part in the conference. Among them were professors-teachers and graduates of our university, who actively participated and  received useful information for further activities.

Press Service of “TIIAME”

National Research University