

Benefits of reading books

   On September 15, 2022, University psychologist M.K. Mukhamedova, together with the tutor of the faculty of Hydromelioration D. Khursandova, held an event with 2nd-year students of group 206 on the topic “21 benefits of reading books”. Regular reading helps you easily understand and memorize new words when learning other languages; Reading a book not only increases vocabulary but also improves overall literacy; Researchers from Ohio State University suggest that the more books a person reads, the more accurately he chooses the path of life. They say that reading a book can also help you overcome life's obstacles; According to Scottish scientists, reading a book is the most effective remedy for depression. Depressed patients were less likely to experience depression after they started reading books; Research shows that a person who reads an art book has a good understanding of the feelings of others in life; Reading is the most effective way to calm your nerves. Just six minutes of reading a book relieve nervousness; The best way to help you stay calm and sleep is to read a book. The bright light emitted by a TV or phone sends a signal to the brain that it needs to wake up. Reading a book has the opposite effect - the brain receives a signal for time to sleep.

  The questionnaire was conducted among students during the event: "How much time do you spend reading?" As a result of the survey, it turned out that the majority of students receive information through audio books or via the Internet, and do not read books. The meeting participants were given explanations and recommendations that rather than using the Internet at the right time and listening to audiobooks, it is more beneficial to read books.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service