Report by the Women's Advisory Council
The University Women's Council aims to increase the socio-political activity of university women, in order to ensure the effectiveness of spiritual and moral education among them, improve their legal, medical culture, and professional skills, prepare them for independent family life, to instill in the minds of women a national idea and based on the task of inculcating ideology, developing a strong scientific and moral outlook in female students as future specialists, creating a position of a woman who has a deep understanding of socio-economic, cultural and political changes taking place in our society, is hardworking, has high ideological and moral qualities, and corresponds to humanitarian principles.
On June 29, 2022, was held the report of the women's advisory council of the LM and HTC faculties on the work done in the 2021-2022 academic year. Z. Khafizova, chairman of the women's advisory council of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and F. Yunusova, the chairman of the advisory council of the Faculty of Technical Education and Research, gave information about the implementation of the work carried out by the faculties. University professors and employees actively participated in this meeting.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service