The technology created at our university is under the attention of the President
In recent years, youth issues have risen to the level of public policy. The aspirations and interests of young people in science, sports, professions, entrepreneurship, reading are supported in every possible way and are already showing their positive results. It should be noted that the government of our country has created all the conditions for young people, in particular women, to engage in research activities along with gaining knowledge, studying in higher educational institutions in their favorite profession. In response to such opportunities, our young women scientists achieve positive results with their new, relevant and innovative scientific solutions, new developments and projects.As you know, in connection with the "Day of Youth" on June 30 in the park "New Uzbekistan" a youth forum was held on 5 initiatives. In the innovation pavilion of the forum, talented students, masters and young scientists-researchers told the head of our state about new innovative developments and the results achieved.
Nuralieva Nodira Abdukamilovna, Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor of the Department of Electrical Technologies and the Use of Electrical Equipment of the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" as a forum participant under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences Abdujalol Bokiev, presented an electric tractor to the attention of the head of our state " Bog'bon ET”, which sprays plants during the growing season. They were honored to talk with the head of our state about the full provision of the rights and opportunities for young people and women in the field of science by our President, and about the development that is the result of their scientific work, the use of the opportunities provided to our young female scientists. The head of our state noted that such equipment is very necessary and in demand by all agricultural farmers, is one of the topical issues of our time, and wished our researcher good luck and great success in her further activities.
Press service of the University