

The Continuation of Summer School

      It is known that there was an announcement about the Summer School on the topic “Startup: theory, practice, research and business integration” has begun its work at “TIIAME” National Research University.     On the second and third days of summer school, international trainers shared their experience and knowledge on how to bring an idea to the level of a startup and turn it into a business project. Summer school participants will learn interesting information from experts about industries and business projects that interest them.



      Classes are full of intense questions-answers and discussions. At the end of daily classes, various cultural and sports activities are held, including: volleyball, football, table tennis, chess, checkers and other similar sports activities, as well as cultural and entertainment events of various contents. Additionally,  at the initiative of the university authority, a cultural and entertaining event was organized for students in connection with the “Youth Day”.

                                             Press Service of the university