Graduates of Master's degree were awarded with diplomas
In the 2020-2021 academic year, 32 applicants were admitted to the institute on 9 specialties on a budgetary basis and 37 on a paid contract basis for a master's program. From the early morning of June 29, 2022 with the participation of the leadership of Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management under “TIIAME” Natural Research University, here 69 masters were awarded diplomas and “Letters of Gratitude” to their parents. During the graduation ceremony, the festive wishes by the authority of the institute was also expressed, where faculty staff, parents and masters students participated.
We wish success to all graduates of the master's program in their further scientific work. During the graduation ceremony, diplomas were also awarded to 9 graduates from Turkmenistan. It should be noted that 277 holders of bachelor's degrees graduated from the Institute the mentioned academic year, from which 21 graduates are honors students.
Press Service of the University