

University anthem

At the initiative of the former rector of our university U.P Umurzakov, in September 2020 was formed a choir group to further develop choral art among the youth of our university, discover talented performers, and reveal the skills, and abilities of choral performers.

In January 2020, at the initiative of the Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Enlightenment R.Q.Choriyev and University Psychologist, Choir Leader M.K. Mukhamedova,  in order to engage students in the team there was composed the "University anthem" on the basis of the poem by H. Ruzmetov, a student of HTC faculty, and music by S. Saidazov.

As the words of the university anthem were written by our student, all the students sang this song with a sense of pride in their hearts, as they were fortunate to be educated at such University.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service