International accreditation: "TIIAME" National Research University
As it is known, on June 6 current year has launched the process of international accreditation of the “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University within the framework of the international project “Modernization of Higher Education”, funded by the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality of Education and the World Bank. The international experts are from the company Shbeeman Consulting for external evaluation. The leading foreign expert of the company “Shbeeman Consulting” Nora Skaburskaya and members of the commission headed by the chairman of the commission Eshchanov Bakhodir attended the event.
During the day, an external expert commission held interviews with the university management, as well as heads and specialists of the relevant departments, and clarified the information reflected in the University's self-assessment report.
During the process was held a discussion in detail on the advanced approaches of the teaching staff to ensuring internal and external quality control of education, and on effective mechanisms for student participation in quality control of education. Also during the dialogue, was given a comprehensive assessment of the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) system and the management policy pursued by the university leadership.
The experts also got acquainted with the activities of special educational laboratories and classrooms created at the faculties and got acquainted with the peculiarities and created methodological conveniences.
At the end of the day, the experts talked to the university staff who are responsible for international cooperation and the scientific process and elaborated on items on the agenda.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service