Congratulations on the 85th jubilee
Professor of the Faculty of Land Management, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Karakalpakstan Abit Ramazanov turned 85 years. The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs B. Khudoyorov conveyed congratulations from the rector of our university and sincerely congratulated him on his birthday on behalf of the university.
The dean of the faculty Sh. Narbaev also congratulated the teacher on behalf of the faculty team and presented a gift. All teachers and heads of departments also congratulated him and noted that he had always been an appreciative mentor.
We also wish our esteemed mentor Ramazanov Abit long life, good health, family well-being, and success in work. We wish that the smile never fades from your face.
Information of the Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs Eshova H.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service