

Smoking is the problem

  On June 3, 2022 , a university psychologist met with a group of 105 students , where the following people participated, Mukhamedova and faculty tutor B. Abdullayev, who held a seminar - training on the topic “A healthy mind in a healthy body". The event was organized to inform students about the dangers of tobacco,  alcoholic beverages, on which the  full-fledged explanatory work and prevention was carried out. The lungs of smokers shrink,  darken and harden in a dense state, and these two organs cease to function. He gets nervous as soon as the withdrawal begins. He complains of trembling hands, constant chills of the extremities and dizziness. The color of the hands is sometimes grayish or unhealthy, with dark blackish undertones. Because tobacco smoke contains so many toxic substances that it causes serious harm to the health of not only the smoker, but also the people sitting around him. The reason is that more than 300 toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke interfere with the normal functioning of the human body. When burning 100 grams of tobacco, 5-7 grams of resin is released. It contains benzathracene and similar resins. These substances create favorable conditions for the growth of malignant tumors (cancer cells). Again, smoking is dangerous because the smoker's body is saturated with the radioactive substance polonium-210. Because tobacco leaves absorb this toxic substance from the air. After the tobacco leaves dry, the density of this radioactive substance increases even more. In the bronchi and lungs, kidneys and liver of a smoker, the radioactive substance polonium-210 gradually accumulates. This, in turn, is an important factor in the development of cancer. During the event, anonymous questionnaires were distributed, submitted by higher education, designed to identify depression in students, the results of which were determined and separate consultations were scheduled with students who were in a depressed state. During the event, anonymous questionnaires were distributed, submitted by higher education, designed to identify depression in students, the results of which were determined and separate consultations were planned with students who are in a depressed state. During the event, students were not left indifferent by the information that tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical elements that have an impact on the body's activities, leading a person to an early death. All students took an active part in the event, many questions and answers were held, and having received useful information, the event came to an end.


                               Press Service of University