

A writer who truly loved his Motherland

Abdulla Aripov was a unique talent who raised Uzbek literature to a new level. His highly artistic, deeply philosophical poems occupy a big space in the hearts of our people. Today, the staff of the Faculty of Land Management, headed by the Dean of the Faculty Sh. Narbaev and Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs Kh. Eshova, the leader of the Youth Union Kh. Tazhiboev and tutors S. Ibragimova, M. Vafoeva laid flowers at the monument of the outstanding writer. In particular, the first vice-rectors for work with youth and spiritual and educational work of all higher educational institutions of the Republic, who attended a two-day training seminar at our University on May 20-21, witnessed another literary and educational event organized at the monument to the hero of Uzbekistan, the great poet, the author of the National Anthem A. Aripov. The  dean of the faculty Sh.Narbaev opened the event.

The daughter of the poet Sh.Oripova, a member of the Writers' Union, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Sharq yulduzu" Sirojiddin Raif, associate professor of the department "Land use" A.Babazhanov, associate professor of the department of higher mathematics A.Rahmatillaev made a speech, spoke about the life and work of the mentor, read poems of their own composition, and also A. Rakhmatillaev sang a song written on the famous poem "Birinchi muhabbatim", written by the poet.

Everyone was deeply touched by the poems of students of the 208th group of the Faculty of Land Management S. Gulomov, student of group 213 S. Kuldosheva, student of group 106 N. Nazarova, dedicated to Oripov and Sh. Oripova listened with tears in her eyes ....

At the end of the event, Advisor to the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on improving the efficiency of spiritual and educational work, ensuring compliance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state language" O.R. Jamoliddinova noted that the two-day training seminar held at the university was organized with great preparation, and also expressed gratitude to the leadership of the university, in particular, Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Work R. Choriyev.