Kick-off Stakeholder Dialogue Event within VEGERA project at the university
On May 19, 2022, the National Research University "Tashkent National Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" (NRU "TIIAME") with the support of the founders of the VEGERA project of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany, held a round table Kick-off Stakeholder Dialogue Event in a hybrid format on the topic “The improvement of energy efficiency in the building sector through the use of renewable raw materials from agroforestry systems”. The opening ceremony was started by the rector prof. B.S. Mirzaev. In his opening speech, he talked about the recycling and efficient use of wood materials in Uzbekistan in order to expand the range of undergraduate and graduate specialties.The rector also noted that the above project meets the requirements of our national reforms and that the implementation of the experience gained as a result of these projects will contribute to improving the quality of education in higher education institutions. After the speech, the rector introduced the guests and participants of the project. At the opening ceremony, presentations were made by Directions for the development of the forest industry in Uzbekistan - Director of the Research Institute of Forestry, Professor Khamzaev Abdushukur Khudoykulovich first steps of the university within the framework of the VEGERA project; Associate Professor of University Eshchanova Guzal Erkinovna; Abdugani Khabirovich Kasimov, the founder of the furniture enterprise Etkod LLC;
Presentation of the international project VEGERA - (HNEE) Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development, Germany, Professor, Ph.D. Martin Welp and project coordinator Dilfuza Yuldasheva;
Opportunities to Use Agro-Forestry Products - (ICRAF) World Agro-Forestry Center, Asia Office Director Dr. Rizvi Javed;Natural Construction Laboratory at the Technical University of Berlin German Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) Professor, Ph.D. EikeRoswag-Klinge;Perspective plans for the development of woodworking technology and furniture production in Uzbekistan - Head of the Department of Cellulose and Woodworking Technology of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Khusenov Arslannazar Shernazarovich; Development of the industry for the development of modern energy-efficient and resource-saving building materials in the new conditions of Uzbekistan-Sattorov Zafar Murodovich, head of the educational and methodological department, professor of the department of chemistry and building materials of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction; Possibilities of using poplars in construction - Associate Professor of the Department of Building Materials and Chemistry of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences Siddikov Ikromjon Iminjonovich with his presentations.
During the questions and answers, such topical issues as the importance of training specialists who meet the requirements of the labor market, further modernization of the education system and the introduction of advanced technologies in education were discussed.
A good impression on everyone was made by the holding of an international hybridized round table at the university on the topic “The improvement of energy efficiency in the building sector through the use of renewable raw materials from agroforestry systems” (Improving energy efficiency in the construction sector through the use of renewable raw materials from agroforestry systems). systems).
Today's event is the first discussion of the VEGERA project “Increasing energy efficiency in the construction industry through the use of renewable raw materials in agro-industrial systems”.
The event is part of an international project of the International Climate Initiative-Medium Grants Program in partnership with the University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany, which won the competition for energy efficiency in the construction industry as the country's leading educational institution.
The main goal of the event is to expand the internationalization of higher education institutions on renewable raw materials of agroforestry systems with the participation of scientists, professors, researchers and experts within the framework of the VEGERA project and to organize international cooperation and exchange of experience. The event is attended by leading scientists from German universities, as well as experts in the field of raw materials used in construction.
The purpose of today's dialogue event is to present the VEGERA project to relevant stakeholders and the general public and discuss the wide range of opportunities in the construction industry.
The project is part of the program of the International Climate Initiative and is funded by the decision of the German Bundestag by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection (BMUV).
We believe that the rich experience gained at today's event will help Uzbekistan improve the quality of education and research in the field of projects and harmonize reforms at the national and international levels.
Press service of the university