

Seminar-training on patriotism and legal culture of youth

 Patriotic spirit and legal culture are harmonious concepts. Especially important is the attention, knowledge and broad outlook of young people on this issue. Because the prospects of the country, the well-being of the people are closely related to their level of knowledge, upbringing, worldview.The idea of ​​the Greek philosopher Aristotle that “the upbringing of youth decides the fate of the Motherland” has not lost its value either. Therefore, the issue of attention to young people is of particular relevance.Of great importance in this direction is the republican training seminar “patriotic education of student youth and improvement of their legal culture”, organized by the Agency for Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers”.Raising the patriotic spirit and legal culture of student youth not only emphasizes the relationship between education and upbringing, but also fully expresses the essence of the third Renaissance. Therefore, the first vice-rectors of higher educational institutions for youth and spiritual and educational work and other responsible leaders take part in the two-day training seminar organized at the National Research University on May 20-21,2022. As soon as the guests entered the university, they were greeted by students and teachers with open faces and smiles. Then they were invited to a demonstration of technical means and the latest technologies, which reflected the trends in the faculties and were satisfied. The event is moderated by the rector of the National Research University, Professor Bakhodir Suyunovich Mirzaev.

The Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdukodir Tashkulov, as well as the director of the Agency for Youth Affairs Alisher Saudullayev and other responsible leaders made a report on “priority areas for the effective organization of spiritual and educational work in higher educational institutions”. The total number of participants is more than 150 people .

Rector B. Mirzaev presented slides reflecting scientific and educational processes and achievements at the National Research University. The purpose of the training seminar is the patriotic education of students, increasing their legal culture, effective organization of crime prevention among young people, improving the socio-spiritual environment in higher educational institutions, discussing the problems that arise in the implementation of state youth policy, developing scientific and practical recommendations for further improvement activities of the first vice-rectors for youth and spiritual and educational work  proposals are to develop an approximate program of activities.

Responsible leaders also made presentations on many issues, including such as the role of leaders in working with university students, . The training seminar continued its work, dividing into 4 directions, On the second day of the training seminar separately. It was considered expedient to develop a model manual for those responsible for the meaningful organization of leisure time for students, as well as to develop new mechanisms for working with student housing and rented student housing. The training workshop was organized in the form of a plenary session and a workshop in groups. The seminar continued its work in the following four directions. The importance of legal and educational work among student youth, effective ways to prevent crime and delinquency;

Priorities for preventing the spread of drugs and psychotropic substances among students, information attacks and cybersecurity, as well as improving the social and spiritual environment;

The role of officials in the meaningful organization of students' leisure;

New mechanisms for working with students living in dormitories and rented housing.

After the completion of the training seminar, the first vice-rectors of higher educational institutions will get acquainted with the processes taking place at the National Research University, visit the "Writers' Alley", and have a spiritual rest.

                   Press service of the university