

Scientific potential of education as the foundation of future

Due to the official letter by the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated April 7, 2022 N. 08-942, “Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics” Department A.I. Pardaev and A.M. Mustafokulov organized a visit to Tashkent region. During the visit, a round table discussion was held with principals and teaching staff of school, which was devoted to the work carried out there. Most teachers were highly-qualified ones as having many years of experience, mostly teachers of the highest, first and second categories. In order to establish the cooperation, a roadmap was developed and approved for the implementation of activities in April-May 2022.


Umida Abdiyeva conducted Math class for 11th grade students. During the lesson, the teacher conducted a survey for realizing the needs ofgraduates. There was a lively dialogue between teachers and students. The assignments given by the teacher were completed by students with high interest. Yakubova Matlyuba held a lesson for the 9th grade students. The lesson was organized in such way, that students answered actively in question-answer period as well.

                                                                             Press service of “TIIAME” National Research University