

The visit to school

    It is important to mention that on April 16, 2022, professor-teachers of “Accounting and Audit” Department , “Organization and Management of Water Resources” faculty visited schools number 7 and 8 of Piskent district, Tashkent region. During the visit, the dean of the faculty R. Khakimov and the head of the department A. Ahmedov met with the school administration and teachers, as well as with schoolchildren and got acquainted with the conditions of schools, the state of classrooms and the potential of teachers.

The pupil of the 7th "A" class of school N. 8 D.A. Pulatova was announced as a winner in taekwondo in the weight category of 35 kg. D.A. Pulatova is a three-time heavyweight champion of Uzbekistan.

      Based on the received information, the certain issues were identified. The principal of School N. 7 Ishankulova F.O. together with the director of school N. 8 Abdurakhimova M.U. agreed on further cooperation.


                                                Press service of "TIIAME" National Research University.