

Cooperation between school and higher education institution

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 6, 2020 "On measures to develop the fields of education and upbringing, and science in the new period of development of Uzbekistan" raised a new level of large-scale reforms in education. This document is especially important for the development of cooperation between schools and higher education institutions, as well as for further strengthening the integration between them.

On April 15, 2022, the staff of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics visited secondary schools No. 13 and 73 in Nurafshan, Tashkent region to establish comprehensive cooperation. Members of the department met with the director of secondary school No. 13 B.I. Khaitova and the director of secondary school No. 73 N.M. Karakash. The partnership with schools has a long-term perspective. Therefore, it was agreed between the department and the school to develop and approve an action plan.

"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service