Intelligence lead to the enlightenment
It is important to suggest that on April 5, 2022, lecture on oratory was held for some faculties of university. During the event, students tested their skills in memorizing exercises and speech development training. Due to the large number of students, who came to the classes, they had to be divided into 2 rooms. Members of group 1 reported several negative aspects, while members of group 2 reported positive aspects. This game is important in terms of memorization and familiarity. Subsequently, teacher R. Jumaniyazov tried giving new tasks. Each student wrote 4 words and asked to name synonyms and meanings of these words. The one who finds more than 2-3 synonyms will win.
It should be mentioned that Fayzullaev Behzod, a student of university read the poems of Abdulla Aripov. Later, Sattarov Sardor, a student of the university contributed to the further development of students' speech. He addressed the students with a question: “Imagine that you are next to the president, introduce yourself so that the president will remember you as soon as he sees you.”
Burkhanov Sarvar very clearly and intelligibly answered this question. His views were supported by all. At the lesson, the teacher talked about the quality of speech. At the same time, he gave enough information about the observance of the norms of the literary language of speech, the observance of grammatical concepts, and the correct stress. The lesson was very interesting and informative.
Press Service of “TIIAME” National Research University