Integration of education and practice
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019 N. 5847, in order to introduce the 5 + 1 system in higher educational institutions, improve the integration of the educational process with industry, practical classes are held at the Joint Stock Company "UZGIP". For students of the 3rd year of 301-306 groups "Water management and melioration" specialty of “Hydromelioration” faculty, the teaching staff of “Irrigation and Melioration” department Sunnat Tadzhiev, Yulchiev Davron, Pulatova Munisa and Malikov Eler, together with employees of the joint-stock company, conducted a practical lesson
on the subject "Improvement of natural conditions.”
The students got acquainted with the scientific laboratory of UZGIP LLC and received answers to their questions from the employees of the joint-stock company. In order to improve the integration of the educational process, a branch of the department was created at the joint-stock company, where practical classes are constantly held.
Press service of NRU "TIIAME".