International cooperation is a calling of the present
On March 14, 2022, within the framework of the project “Developing skills for employment in rural regions of Uzbekistan”, funded by UNESCO and the European Union was held an official dialogue. The head of the department of vocational education and physical culture, professor Ismailova Z.K., associate professor Fayzullaev R., associate professor Mustafayeva D. and director of the vocational school No. 2 of the city Angrena Mamataliev A. attended the round table.
Spiridon Kleitsas - the chief specialist of the project, Mariko Fujikava - the specialist of the project and other responsible members took part in the conversation.
The main purpose of the meeting is to improve educational programs, curricula, qualification requirements, and to provide the material and technical base with new modern technologies, update methodological support, ensure the employment of graduates in specialized professional educational institutions of agriculture and water management, further develop cooperation between the center and higher education institutions.
"TIIAME" National Research University Press Service