

Competent personnel is always in demand

On March 2, "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University hosted an open dialogue with graduates on "Modern training for a new Uzbekistan, support for talented youth, prospects for attracting graduates to public service." The event was also presented on the ZOOM platform. Heads and staff of the Agency for the Development of Public Service under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of the personnel services of relevant ministries and departments, university administration, professors, and the media representative attended the event. The event was chaired by the rector of the university, Professor B. Mirzaev. At the beginning of the event, it was agreed to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Agency and "TIIAME" NRU and to use the Agency's potential in the targeted training of the new generation, to provide methodological assistance in working with talented youth, practical training and internships in civil service. Abbos Akramov, Head of the Personnel Coordination Department in State Bodies and Organizations of the Agency for the Development of Public Service spoke about "Transparent independent competition for vacancies in the civil service", Leading Inspector of the Department for Protection of the Rights and Creating Conditions for Public Servants of the Agency for the Development of Public Service, Feruza Juraeva spoke about Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Public Service - the legal basis for creating a transparent mechanism in personnel policy", Abdurahmon Umarov, Chief Inspector of the Perspective Personnel Selection Department of the Agency for the Development of Public Service spoke about “Privileges for young professionals and the "Procedure for competitions for study abroad by the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation."

It is no coincidence that special attention is be paid to the employment of graduates in the 2021-2022 academic year, and strengthening cooperation with the relevant ministries and departments, as well as representatives of the agricultural and water sectors, ministries and departments of agriculture and economy, -said Amirtemirkhon Musaev, Deputy Director of the Agency for Development of Public Service.

In addition, during the event, the information was given about the launch of a "single open portal for vacancies of civil servants", as well as the evaluation system based on the most important performance indicators in the civil service "KPI", "HR metrica", the implementation of the principle of meritocracy. The representatives of partner organizations such as the "Ministry of Water Resources", "Uzbekhydroenergo", "Uzsuvqurilish" JSC, the "State Cadastre Chamber and Turon Bank" attended the event. At the end of the event, at the end of the event, according to the bilateral agreement reached between the Agency for the Development of Public Service and the leadership of "TIIAME" NRU it was agreed to strengthen joint work to support talented youth, including the organization of practical classes from March in the field of public service by the Agency's specialists for university graduates.


“TIIAME” NRU Press service