

"Corruption is a true enemy of development" Online chat

In order to raise the legal awareness of graduate students and prevent corruption among them, the Department of "Compliance Control" and the Department of Master's Degree conducted a preventive information and education event for 2nd-year master students of the university. The event discussed the cases of corruption raised in the Presentation of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 16, 2021 No. 19 / 10-21-101.
It was emphasized that corruption, fraud, "grouping", acquaintanceship, localism, etc., which could be committed at the university, should not be tolerated.
The head of the master's department prof. A. Yangiyev told the masters about the purpose and significance of this event. The process of preparing a master's dissertation was discussed in more detail.

A.Gapparov, Head of the Anti-Corruption Management Department, spoke about the important reforms being carried out in the country in recent years, including at our university, in the field of anti-corruption, and the importance of efforts to raise legal awareness and legal culture. A.Gapparov answered the questions of the masters and expressed his views. Active masters expressed their opinions. Happily, it was clear from the roundtable that our graduate students have their own independent opinions and a high level of legal literacy. The roundtable was interesting and informative.

“Komplayens nazorat” tizimini boshqarish boʻlimi boshligʻi  A.Gapparov


University Press Service