

The organization of leisure time of students

On February 22, 2022, on the basis of the order of the rector of “TIIMAE” National Research University, Professor B.S. Mirzaev N-103, dated February 11, 2022 about the organization of spiritual and educational events in student hostel N-4, the Department of “Operation of Irrigation Systems” of “Hydro Irrigation” faculty,  there were organized games of chess. The purpose of the mentioned spiritual and educational event was effective organization of leisure time of students.

"Cultural and educational events" play an important role in the spirituality and education of young people. By carrying out cultural and educational activities, it is possible to achieve high efficiency in educating of  young people in the spirit of national, spiritual and moral values, bringing up youth with the ideas of national independence.

                                                                                    Press Service of "TIIAME" National research University